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Updated: Nov 7, 2023


Gout is a form of arthritis caused by deposition of uric acid crystals. Usually there is a balance in the body between the uric acid production and its decomposition into so-called purine rich waste materials and the amount excreted via the kidneys. In case of gout, either there is imbalance where there is an overproduction of uric acid (in 10% of those affected) or excretion by the kidney is not sufficient (in 90% of those affected). At most, this is due to an innate disposition.


Many people have high levels of uric acid in the blood without expressing any signs. However, in other cases, the excess of uric acid collect as crystals in one or more joints. Uric acid crystals have sharp edges that irritate the joint, resulting in an acute inflammatory response. Any joint can be attacked, but in 50 % of cases, it is big toe joint that is affected. Foot, ankle, knee, and fingers are other joints where its plague can occur.


Approximately 0.3-1 % of the population has gout, and men are affected more often than women. In men, it is seen most often that the first attack aged 30-60 years. It is very rare that women of childbearing age get gout, but after the menopause, the disease is often seen.

Gout is hereditary. The disease may also be associated with other diseases such as psoriasis or renal failure. Some medicines may increase the amount of uric acid in the body and thus trigger gout. Other risk factors include obesity, high cholesterol, foods that are high in purine and certain types of alcohol.


  • Gout is very painful.

  • The pain can develop very quickly and most often at night (many awakened by pain).

  • The affected area is hot, red, swollen and very tender.

  • Stressing the wrist is almost impossible, and all touch is uncomfortable.

  • Some also get fever.


Ayurveda is an ancient Indian system of medicine that makes use of herbs existing in the nature and formulates herbal remedies using the inherent power present in these herbs. We in Ayurveda believe that herbal remedies bring to you the richness of the herbs in a natural, unadulterated form. These combinations help improve immunity and provide strength, endurance and will.​

Ayurveda uses the inherent power of natural herbs to bring about wonderful results on the human body. The herbs are natural and 100% safe. Ayurveda helps to strengthen the body muscles and bones, making them strong even to withstand any external pressures. The herbs in Ayurveda for bone and arthritic diseases help complete the body deficiency in a natural, herbal way.



The herb is known for its rejuvenating properties. It is a natural antioxidant that removes free radicals from the body and helps in regeneration of cells. Amla helps in increasing the body vitality and strengthening immunity. It helps in developing healthy, glowing skin and preventing premature aging. Anemia and blood related disorders are helped in a natural way. It helps in maintaining proper functioning of the liver. It aids digestion by soothing hyperacidity. This wonderful herb helps in improving immunity and boosting metabolism. The herb helps gain youthful skin and beauty. Amla has aphrodisiac, antipyretic, cardio-tonic, anti-diabetic, cerebral and gastrointestinal properties. It prevents premature greying of hair, hair loss and promotes hair and nail growth. It enhances eye sight, keeps the mouth clean, and nourishes bones and teeth. It helps to keep the intestine clean and also controls blood sugar. Amla is used to prepare Kaishore Guggul.


Haritaki is an important constituent of Triphala that has wonderful health benefits. It acts well in gastrointestinal ailments, in cases of spleenomegaly, hepatomegaly, tumors, ascites, and anemias. Its powder, when mixed with honey and ghee, is an effective remedy for anemia. The herb improves memory and is salutary in dysuria and urinary stones. Haritaki helps in improving appetite and helps in the digestion. In anemia of any origin, Haritaki herb is highly beneficial. It helps anemia due to haemoglobin deficiency, anemia due to red blood cell deficiency, and anemias of abnormal form origin. Haritaki is used in Kaishore Guggul.


Tinospora, the botanical name for Giloy is well known as an immune moderator. Its Sanskrit name ‘Amrita’ stands for elixir for long span life. It is very effective against auto-immune disorders like rheumatoid arthritis and gout. It is used in Giloy capsules and Navkarshik churna.


A very important herb in the Ayurvedic world, Vibhitaki is famous for its wonderful use in the formation of Triphala. It has numerous health benefits on the human body. Its action on the heart makes it an excellent heart tonic. It helps in purifying blood, thinning of blood, and removing toxins. It is used in cases of low RBC count and low haemoglobin. Vibhitaki helps cases of anemia of any origin and help regain healthy haemoglobin count and form. Our product KAISHORE Guggul has Vibhitaki.


Manjistha is an excellent herb famous for its beautiful actions on the outer skin. It has magnificent powers on the skin that nourish and replenish it in a beautiful way. It is anti-inflammatory and relieves wound and inflammations, helps in ulcers and skin disorders. It portrays astringent like properties. It can also be used as an anti-helminthic. It increases flow and it purifies breast milk. Its special role is in case of different skin disorders related with pigmentation, weakness, general debility and poisoning. Manjistha can be used in skin diseases like leprosy, erysipelas, vitiligo and hypo-pigmentation. It is used in the preparation of Navkarshik churna.

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