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Common Flu

Updated: Nov 7, 2023

Common Flu



Many human infections are caused by either bacteria or viruses, these are very common in all the most successful creatures on earth, their habitat is also changed according to the atmosphere like they are having different shapes and sizes on ice slopes and are different in deserts. Viruses are different from bacteria, they are even smaller than any micro-organism, this virus can only reproduce inside the body of the living host, and is very tough to win a battle with. Viral infections are the most serious communicable diseases that are known in medical science. A virus is a minuscule pocket of protein that contains genetic material and is much smaller than a bacterium. Viral infections can spread from one person to another by coughing, sneezing, vomiting, or getting exposure to infectious bodily fluids or from other physical activities. Monkeypox is also a viral disease that has the same family as smallpox. Usually these are not serious types. It causes rash and flu-type symptoms, this disease is caused by the Monkeypox virus which is a member of the orthodox virus genus and belongs to the family of Poxviridae. In this article, we are going to discuss the causes, symptoms prevention, and Ayurvedic treatment against the Monkey pox diease.


Monkeypox is a rare disease in which a virus is transmitted to humans from animals, it is clinically less severe. The monkeypox virus was discovered in 1958, it was firstly found in lab-tested monkeys that were used for research, this disease is more common in central and West Africa. But in May 2022, researchers found this virus reporting outside of Africa now in July 2022, about three thousand cases of monkeypox which is found in the US. Monkeypox has spread across several countries and is a communicable disease. At first, this was a disease of animal hosting, including a range of rodents and non-human primates. Monkeypox virus is a double-stranded DNA virus that belongs to the Orthopoxvirus and to a family of Poxviridae.


Zoonotic Transmission Animal to Human transmission can result from close contact or direct contact with blood, bodily fluids, or cutaneous and mucosal lesions, by infected animals. Eating inadequately cooked meat products are made from infected animal’s flesh.

Human-to-human exposure results from close contact like direct contact with an infected person, transmitted through respiratory secretions, or face-to-face contact. Transmission can also occur via mother to the foetus due to the placenta or during childbirth or after birth because they are exposed when it is held.


The incubation time of the monkeypox virus is five to twenty-one days. This infection can be divided into two periods.

Invasion period – that starts from the zero-day and goes up to the fifth day, characterized by

  1. Fever

  2. Intense headache

  3. Lymphadenopathy (swollen lymph nodes) – these appear similar to smallpox, chicken pox, and measles.

  4. Pain in back

  5. Muscle aches

  6. Lack of energy (asthenia)

After a few days, a rash often develops, these start as painful flat red bumps, which further result in blisters filled with pus. Blisters crust over and fall off and in the last two to four weeks, this whole process can last two to four weeks. It can also be present in the mouth, vagina, and anus. Person-to-person it spreads from an infected person through close relations, it can spread from contaminated materials like clothing, bedding, etc.

In previous outbreaks, following symptoms usually seen like

  1. After your fever starts in one to three days, a rash appears and starts from the face then spreads to other parts of the body.

  2. Common on the hands, feet, arms, and legs in the following pattern like formation of macules, papules, and vesicles. Macules are just round lesions and papules are the raised bumps on the skin and when this structure starts to fill with pus then it is known as Pustules.

  3. People usually show these bumps formation in any part of the body.

  4. The infected person can spread the virus for up to 21 days. so try to protect the healthy persons near you with following measures that we are going to discuss in the above heading.


The best way to help in prevention of monkeypox virus is –

  • Avoid contact with infected animals that are having the chances of spreading their infection to one another.

  • Avoid contact with infected materials that are used by an infected person.

  • Cook all foods perfectly that consist of meat or other parts of the disease.

  • Properly wash your hands, with disinfectant like soap and water.

  • Use safety measures if you are coming into contact with the infected person.

  • If a patient has touched the clean surface or where all are going to touch then thoroughly try to clean it with sanitizer.

  • Personal protective equipment can also be used when you are in contact with an infected person.


  • Monkeypox virus is a zoonotic virus that spreads from animals to healthy humans.

  • WHO (World Health Organisation) has declared this disease a Public Health emergency of International concern.

  • This disease was first discovered by 1958 and its first case was diagnosed in 1970 in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

  • Monkeypox virus is the main cause behind the Monkeypox disease, this is a member of the orthopoxvirus genus in the family of Poxviridae.

  • This disease can spread by direct contact between an infected person and a healthy person.

  • This disease was first diagnosed in primarily tropical rainforest areas or central and West Africa and then spread to all other parts of the world.


Ayurveda is a holistic science which helps to heal the body and neutralise all the doshas that are the main cause behind all the diseases that occur in the human body. Viral diseases and bacterial diseases are categorised under the Jeevanu roga that is a type of Agantuja roga. Jeevanu roga adds up various microorganisms that are developed in the external environment and enter into the human body. These are considered as the external factors that damage the body on a different basis.​


Burning in the body (Daha), fever (jwara), itching (kandu), shoth (inflammation), etc.These symptoms can be managed by being consulted by a general physician. Give proper history of having in contact with an infected person, infected animal or being exposed to the infected area. If you are already feeling these symptoms, then try to avoid contact with other healthy infected persons. Further medication has been prescribed below kindly have them if you are suffering from the monkeypox virus.







This single herbal formulation manufactured by Plantbased Ayurveda consisting of haridra (Curcuma longa), this is a medicinal preparation that is used to kill the various microorganisms that are not good for our body. Curcumin has various health properties like it is anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant or rejuvenating. This helps to purify the blood and kill the harmful substances that are present in the bloodstream.​

Dosage : 1 Capsule twice daily, with plain water, after meals.


This is a classical mineral formulation that consists of shuddha gandhak (purified sulphur). This medicine is used to purify the blood and is good in pacifying the pitta dosha with rakta shodhak properties. This is used to alleviate various symptoms like fever, rashes etc, gandhak is also anti-inflammatory and used to kill the harmful microorganisms.​

Dosage : 1 tablet twice or thrice daily with lukewarm water


This is a patent herbal formulation consisting of various herbs like haldi (Curcuma longa), tulsi (Ocimum sanctum) and many more herbs. These all are very useful in eradicating the harmful viruses and bacterias from the body and are very helpful in purification of the blood stream. These are anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant or rejuvenating in nature that helps this formulation to give effective results against this disease​

Dosage : 1 tablet once or twice daily with plain water after meals.


This is a classical herbal formulation consisting of badi harad (Terminalia chebula) Amalaki (Emblica officinalis) and many more herbs. These all herbs help to control the fever that is caused by the infections spread by Bacterias, viruses, or fungi etc. This is very helpful in lowering down the temperature of the body and is very helpful in healing the blisters, papules and Lymphadenopathy.

​Dosage: 2 tsp twice daily with plain water after meals.

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